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Study abroad

During the track
Students may take advantage of International mobility agreements attending Courses at European Universities within the Erasmus+ calls. Please see the related link at

During the Thesis
Master Thesis and Internship may be partially or fully carried out in European Universities through agreements within the Erasmus+ Traineeship  programme, and EXTRAEU calls for Thesis at extra-EU Universities. Please see the related links at

In a Dual Degree Track
The Master degree programme in Materials Science includes student positions within the joint international programme of Dual degrees in Sustainable Materials (SUMA Master degree) with the University of Leuven (B) and the University of Grenoble (F). For details on how to apply please visit the website of the SUMA Master Degree

For further information please contact the Erasmus Coordinators of the Master Degree in Materials Science:

Prof. Silvia Bracco

Prof. Giovanni Maria Vanacore