GALATEA BIOTECH - The White Biotech Company

Galatea Biotech is a White Bio Tech and Green Chemistry Spin-off of Milano-Bicocca University . The core business of Galatea is the R&D of technologies and processes for the production of fine and bulk chemicals by bio fermentation, as well as the production and marketing of these products and their derivatives.
Galatea biotech is specialized in the production of bio plastics, enzymes, bi-functional molecules, organic acids and microbial strains suitable for the production of many different bio molecules. Our strength is the University Knowledge in biotechnology and materials science we can provide. In particular, our ability in using the DNA recombinant technique makes it possible for us to engineer selected microorganisms aiming to obtain a large number of molecules and materials that can be used in many different applications; a thorough material characterization permits a deep knowledge of our products in view of their applciations.
The technological processes developed by Galatea biotech build molecules with a low carbon footprint, which is typical of products of plant origin and which contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, achieving thus Kyoto’s Protocol targets.