Prof. Fabrizio Moro and Prof. Fabio Pezzoli of the Department of Materials Science has received a Canada-Italy Innovation Award 2022 to develop a new partnership with Canadian experts for research activity.
Fabrizio Moro will develop a new collaboration within the research theme "Clean energy to combat climate change" aligned with Government of Canada policy priorities and with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the Sustainable Development Goals/SDGs).
Together with the research group of Prof. Federico Rosei (INRS, Montreal), he will develop a new strategy for boosting the performance of quantum dots solar cells by tuning electron spin in semiconducting nanocrystals.
Fabio Pezzoli will open a collaboration with the Polytechnique Montréal in the field of quantum technologies, thus bringing together complementary scientific expertise ranging from nanofabrication and epitaxy to light-matter interaction. The overarching goal is to address the challenges and future opportunities of integrated quantum technologies, more specifically spin qubits and quantum light sources based on group IV semiconductors