Materials Science

Sistemi a singolo atomo
The results of the research published on Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Identify and manipulate the Electro-Conductive Zones for improving soil and groundwater microbial-electro-remediation
This review article was recently published in Environmental Science and Ecotechnology
dispositivo termoelettrico in una mano
The bicentennial of the discovery of thermoelectricity
grafene con atomi di nichel e cobalto
The results of the research published in Science Advances
morfologia film RUB e spettri
The results of the research published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry C
struttura molecolare e struttura cristallo con schema degli spettri ottici
The results of the research published on Advanced Functional Materials
fibra muscolare nel campo magnetico e schema degli esosomi
The results of the research published on Nature Nanotechnology
Immagine Ateneo
The results of the research published on Advanced Functional Materials
Review published in Energy and Environmental Science
Fluoroazobenzeni e spiropirani
The results of the research published on Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed.
grafico del PSD con figura del materiale scintillatore
The results of the research published on Advanced Materials
disegno della molecola fotosensibile sulla membrana neuronale
The results of the research published on ACS Nano
Immagine Ateneo
Nature Nanotechnology News & Views by Fabio Pezzoli
Material characterization in 3D printing
The interlaboratory research study led by NIST published in Additive Manufacturing
Rivestimenti superidrofobici per tessuti a base di chitosano senza uso di PFAS
The results of the research published on Carbohydrate Polymers
vetrate fotovoltaiche semitrasparenti
The results of the research published in Advanced Energy Materials
Immagine Ateneo
The results of the research published in Small
The results of the research published in Advanced Functional Materials
rivestimento antighiaccio ottenuto con la tecnica iCVD
The results of the research published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Ruolo del catalizzatore nella produzione di metanolo
A perspective article published in ACS Catalysis