Effective and sustainable anti-icing technologies in the aeronautics, energy and automotive industry: these are the objectives of "SURFICE" - Smart surface design for efficient ice protection and control - supported through the MSCA - Innovative training networks call. The call belongs to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions of the European Framework Program for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020. The research project is coordinated by Carlo Antonini, a researcher who joined the Department of Materials Science of the University of Milan-Bicocca in September 2018. The project, born through the partnership among seven universities (University of Milano-Bicocca, UCL , TU Darmstadt, KU Leuven, TU Delft, ISAE Supaero, TU Graz) and five industrial partners (Airbus, Fafco, SuSoS, FT Technologies, Aerotex), was granted 3.5 million euros, with 0.5 million euros granted for research activities at the University of Milano-Bicocca. The project is one of the 147 financed projects, out of 1503 submission. The duration of the project is four years.
What are the goals of SURFICE?
The formation and growth of ice on surfaces influences the safety of most of our infrastructures – declares Dr. Antonini. - Our project is built on the promising progress in surface engineering and materials science from the last decade. Starting from fundamental studies on the physics of ice formation on complex surfaces, to achieve a rational design o anti-icing materials and coatings and to develop new technologies for effective prevention and control of icing: these are the ambitious objectives of SURFICE.
What are the application fields?
The anti-icing solutions will be applied directly in aeronautics - continues Dr. Antonini - in energy systems and sensor technologies, as well as in the production of glass and in automotive industry, through the collaboration with industrial partners.
How does SURFICE fit into the Innovative training networks action of the MSCA call?
Thanks to the MSCA program – explains Dr. Antonini - thirteen talented young researchers will be trained by an international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral consortium of experts in materials, surface sciences, physics and engineering. They will move their first steps in research and will be trained to become the next generation of innovators in the European industry.