
Catalizzatore a singolo atomo ed addotti che si possono formare da un atomo o complessi di idrogeno.
Review published in Advanced Materials
schema di una cella a combustibile
Review published in Electrochemical Energy Reviews
Struttura nanocristalli scintillatori
The results of the research published in ACS Energy Letters
schema di nanostrutture quantistiche con nanofili
The results of the research published in Advanced Functional Materials
gruppo di studenti della summer school
Energies at the crossroad. European and Eurasian countries in dialogue
sketch of porous metal organic framework and gas capture
The results of the research published in Nature Photonics
desert beetle, drops on surface
The results of the research published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
AFM di nanovescicole su una superficie
The results of the research published in Nano Letters
Molecular dynamics simulations of phase change materials
Deadline for submission: April 19th, 2023, 12 p.m.
sketch of virus bonded to a surface
The research published on ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
visualization of a droplet by XCT
The results of the research published in Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
scheme of a kesterite/titania solar cell
The results of the research published in ACS Materials Letters
Molecular dynamics simulations of phase change materials
Deadline for submission: October 17th, 2022, 12 p.m.
logo FLEXILAB Dipartimenti di Eccellenza
The latest news about the Departments of Excellence Project – FLEXILAB
Schema del funzionamento di magnete bidimensionale
The results of the research published in Advanced Functional Materials
single-molecule upconverters scheme
The results of the research published in ACS Energy Letters
Schema di un dispositivo quantistico a base di Ge/SiGe
The results of the research published in Advanced Optical Materials
Molecular dynamics simulations of phase change materials
Deadline for submission: July 29th, 2022, 12 p.m.