Renewable energy

dispositivo termoelettrico in una mano
The bicentennial of the discovery of thermoelectricity
morfologia film RUB e spettri
The results of the research published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry C
Immagine Ateneo
The results of the research published on Advanced Functional Materials
vetrate fotovoltaiche semitrasparenti
The results of the research published in Advanced Energy Materials
Immagine Ateneo
The results of the research published in Small
schema di una cella a combustibile
Review published in Electrochemical Energy Reviews
gruppo di studenti della summer school
Energies at the crossroad. European and Eurasian countries in dialogue
scheme of a kesterite/titania solar cell
The results of the research published in ACS Materials Letters
logo FLEXILAB Dipartimenti di Eccellenza
The latest news about the Departments of Excellence Project – FLEXILAB
logo FLEXILAB Dipartimenti di Eccellenza
The latest news about the Departments of Excellence Project – FLEXILAB
batterie per automotive
The latest news about the Departments of Excellence Project – FLEXILAB
logo FLEXILAB Dipartimenti di Eccellenza
The latest news about the Departments of Excellence Project – FLEXILAB
cella solare
The latest news about the Departments of Excellence Project – FLEXILAB
schema del riciclo di mascherine chirurgiche usate
The results of the research published in ChemSusChem (Wiley)
EC-STM images of innovative catalyst and schematic image of the process at the interface
The results of the research published in Nature Catalysis
Schematic drawing of the interface in composite materials for photocatalysis
The results of the research published in Advanced Functional Materials