Progetti internazionali
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"DEPot: A New Dosimetric Emergency Protocol based on Natural Quartz"
Attitudes towards the use of Precision1 (ATP study)
Ocean liming in European seawater: a mesocosm scale approach
QUONDENSATE -QUantum reservoir cOmputing based on eNgineered DEfect NetworkS in trAnsition meTal dichalcogEnides
Today’s computation, based on parallel processing of information, is reaching its physical limitations and novel solutions are to be found in the close future to overcome such major hurdle. This project aims to achieve the first proof-of-concept of Quantum Reservoir… Leggi tutto Computing (QRC) scheme based on networks of Quantum Materials (QMs) defects which will enable the fabrication of prototypical computing devices. The engineering of defect network characteristics such as density and defect typology will allow tailoring the defects’ network physical properties, and ultimately its neuromorphic and computing complexity. The project is feasible yet groundbreaking because it capitalizes upon the very different expertises, both experimental and theoretical, comprised within the partners’ consortium, all of which are required to implement a novel QRC scheme. As such, this project will result in unprecedented characteristics that extend the conventional boundaries of ICT electronic devices and systems and pave the way for the development of novel Quantum Technologies.
RENOVATE - A circular and chemistry-neutral approach for recycling and recovery of battery waste feeds
The increasingly rapidly growing electric vehicles (EV) market results in higher growth rates in all the LIBs volume categories, from cradle to grave. This trend makes ever more urgent the boosting of battery recycling for several reasons, the most important ones being:… Leggi tutto i) the preservation of the environment, and ii) the development of a circular economy reducing the demand for virgin materials and the Europe’s dependence from third countries. All these crucial aspects need to be handled through the development of new recycling and re-use concepts, fostering demonstrable effects in terms of efficiency and sustainability. RENOVATE aims at developing and demonstrating new circular economy solutions for the European battery value-chain, targeting the re-use of 100% of inspecification cell fractions (e.g. metallic foil, graphite, electrolyte, fluorinated compounds and cathode active materials) within the battery value chain, fostering a closed-loop circular approach that can reduce battery material waste going to landfill, increase the availability of battery precursors in the European battery eco-system, and demonstrate new added-value business cases for recyclers and battery materials users. All recycled materials will be recovered over all potential streams (pre-customer scraps and End-of-Life products). The ultimate goal is to support the green and digital transformation of the European battery industry to increase its competitiveness and promote its just growth path. Holistic, flexible, and closed-loop processes for the recycling of EoL batteries based on both low and high energy density chemistries will be designed and validated to allow real and easily implementable “net zero carbon” process. A specific aim will also be smart re-integration of the side streams (e.g. waste chemicals/solvents) in the recycling processes and/or in in other industrial activities to minimize the residues coming from batteries production.
RISBRIEFCASE. - Briefcase RIS network creation
The RISBRIEFCASE network is the continuation of the 3D briefcase project funded by EITRM which aims to bring minerals closer to the society, raising awareness on the mining operations. The new edition of the Project proposes to engage the key Partners… Leggi tutto of the previous editions to join new Task Partners and collaborators to the consortium and create a self-sustainable BRIEFCASE network of at least 180 participants which will enable and commercialize the BRIEFCASE service. The RISBRIEFCASE network will consist of: • The consortium: the 15 EITRM Partners currently participating in the project • 12 RIS Task Partners coming from an open call which will obtain EITRM funding support. • The collaborators, which are RIS entities without EITRM funding support. This is the case of our current collaborators (i.e. Surminas, Marsalyk University, Slovenian Ecoschools, Mineria Es Más) which have COFUNDED the project by organizing workshops and replicating physical briefcases. The consortium will develop new tools focused on RM regional challenges in RIS areas (the low rate of recycling, the lack of specialized workforce in the RM sector and the low acceptance of mining operations from general public) following the BRIEFCASE methodology and will teach how to implement the didactic workshops to the new RIS Partners with the funding support of the EITRM. After this, the consortium will be able and ready to commercialize the Briefcase service, which consists on the tools replication support.
SUMMED-PV - Summer Education in Photovoltaics
SUMMED-PV aims to educate students on raw material key aspects related to Photovoltaic(PV) technology and to all the devices, circuits and systems allowing to maximise PV array performance and to integrate it with the grid, including electronics, storage and electrical… Leggi tutto equipment. The three oneweek-long editions will be hosted in Milano,Salerno and Köthen,with a estimated audience of 60-80 attendees each; they will be challenge- based with a strong commitment from industries and research centers.
LION - Quantum matter redesign through LIght-matter interactiON
UNICORN-Hybrid Nanocomposite Scintillators for Transformational Breakthroughs in Radiation Detection and Neutrino Research
The goal of UNICORN is to develop unprecedented nanocomposite scintillator (SL) detectors based on engineered nanomaterials for transformative breakthroughs in strategic radiation detection areas spanning homeland security and medicine to industrial, nuclear, and environmental monitoring to cosmology and high energy/particle… Leggi tutto physics. Today, conventional inorganic SL crystals are prohibitively energy-intensive, fragile, heavy and cannot be produced in large quantities. Organic SLs are, in turn, affordable and scalable, but their low density and light yield reduce energy resolution. These shortcomings preclude progress in application areas of great importance and impose a technological bottleneck to the fundamental study of rare events. The most at risk of all is the study of neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (0νDBD), a so far undetected, rare nuclear process that represents the Holy Grail in particle physics, whose observation would provide long sought-after answers on the origin of the Universe and unlock unexplored scientific territories with unimaginable progress perspectives. UNICORN will tackle this urgent grand challenge by introducing revolutionary nanotechnology-based concepts combining high energy resolution, efficiency, and stability with unmatched mass scalability. The keystone of our disruptive approach are inorganic nanocrystals (NCs) that will be specifically designed to be both the source of 0νDBD and high-performance nano-SLs. The breakthrough will also consist in achieving perfect compatibility with (in)organic hosts to obtain unparalleled ultra-high density optical-grade nanocomposite detectors with maximized light output to be coupled to custom-made light sensors that will embody the archetype of advanced radiation detectors of the future. UNICORN combines world-leading institutions and companies with complementary interdisciplinary competences ensuring the pivotal synergy to reach the project goals and rapidly translate results into economic value.
The global objective of BEST consortium is to support, strengthen and grow the vibrant European Battery R&I eco-system which has established its foundation in the Batteries Europe ETIP, with continued development of strategic forward-looking orientations and cooperation initiatives to ensure future skill… Leggi tutto development, knowledge and technological leadership thus accelerating battery technology exploration and uptake
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