Progetti internazionali

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SURFICE - Smart surface design for efficient ice protection and control

Icing affects the operational safety of much of our transport and general infrastructure. Although in the last decade there have been promising advancements in surface engineering and materials science, to achieve an effective and sustainable anti-icing technology requires that the physical processes Leggi tutto involved in icing are better understood and applied to a rational design of anti-icing surfaces and systems. Furthermore, the arrival of hybrid or fully-electric engines, requires that new technologies also be developed for ice protection purposes suited to these new aircraft types. Already today, all new electric urban air mobility and unmanned aerial systems (UAS) developers and start-ups are experiencing difficulties in finding icing and inclement weather specialists. This is because such training is very specialized and the required skills take years to develop. SURFICE will address both aspects. 13 talented early stage researchers will be trained by an international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral consortium of experts in materials and surface science, physics and engineering. The project will address three major research objectives: (i) investigate icing physics on complex surfaces to understand and model ice formation, accretion and adhesion; (ii) achieve rational design for anti-icing materials and coatings based on a novel concept of discontinuity-enhanced icephobicity; and (iii) develop new technologies for efficient ice prevention and control. The proposed anti-icing solutions will be directly applied in aeronautics, energy systems and sensor technologies, as well as glass manufacturing and automotive industry through industrial partners. Intertwining surface science and engineering will benefit icing research, but also other innovative emerging technologies, where surface phenomena play a crucial role. Training on scientific, transferable and entrepreneurial skills will complete the CVs of the young researchers providing an innovation-oriented mind-set.

Responsabili: ANTONINI CARLO
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Bando: Innovative Training Networks
Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION

Development of radiation-hard and cost-effective inorganic scintillators for calorimetric detectors based on binary glass compositions doped with cerium - SCINTIGLASS

Data di inizio:
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Bando: 2018-024 - ATTRACT - Open Call for Proposals
Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION

HIGHNESS-Development of High Intensity Neutron Source at the European Spallation Source

The European Spallation Source being constructed in Lund, Sweden will provide the user community with a neutron source of unprecedented brightness. By 2025, a suite of 15 instruments will be served by a high-brightness moderator system placed above the spallation target. The Leggi tutto ESS infrastructure, consisting of the proton linac, the target station, and the instrument halls, allows for implementation of a second source below the spallation target. We propose to develop a second neutron source with a high-intensity moderator able to (1) deliver a larger total cold neutron flux, (2) provide high intensities at longer wavelengths in the spectral regions of Cold (4-10 Å), Very Cold (10-40 Å), and Ultra Cold (several 100 Å) neutrons, as opposed to Thermal and Cold neutrons delivered by the top moderator. Offering both unprecedented brilliance, flux, and spectral range in a single facility, this upgrade will make ESS the most versatile neutron source in the world and will further strengthen the leadership of Europe in neutron science. The new source will boost several areas of condensed matter research such as imaging and spin-echo, and will provide outstanding opportunities in fundamental physics investigations of the laws of nature at a precision unattainable anywhere else. At the heart of the proposed system is a volumetric liquid deuterium moderator. Based on proven technology, its performance will be optimized in a detailed engineering study. This moderator will be complemented by secondary sources to provide intense beams of Very- and Ultra-Cold Neutrons. To perform the required development of advanced moderator and reflector materials, and find the best solutions for their implementation at ESS, the HighNESS consortium pursues an integrated approach, combining complementary expertise of its partners in simulations, neutronic design and engineering, material characterization using neutron scattering techniques, and the targeted scientific applications of slow neutrons

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Bando: Individual support to ESFRI and other world-class research infrastructures
Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION

IDSFM3.REJ. International Doctoral School in Functional Materials and Innovation-3.REJ

Responsabili: SCOTTI ROBERTO
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Bando: Fast Track KAVA 6 Call
Enti finanziatori: EIT RAW MATERIALS GMBH

KIC - 3DBRIEFCASE. Learning the use of minerals through non conventional and digital tools

This proposal is the continuation of the BRIEFCASE ongoing EIT RM project which is developing an innovative tool dedicated to the 6-14 years old pupils/students to show the significances of the daily use of RM and their exploitation. The aim Leggi tutto of this new phase is to extent the scope and the target audience by improving the innovative popular science tool (the virtual briefcase) using augmented reality and turning it into a 3D application.

Data di inizio:
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Bando: KAVA 6 Education projects
Enti finanziatori: EIT RAW MATERIALS GMBH

NEUREKA - A smart, hybrid neural-computo device for drug discovery

NEUREKA will bring a paradigm shift in drug discovery for neurological diseases, a sector that suffers multiple, repeated failures exacerbating the economical and societal burden of these incurable diseases. It will do so by addressing a crucial shortcoming: the lack Leggi tutto of in vitro systems faithfully reproducing brain pathology that enable the functional assessment of candidate compounds at multiple levels: from synapses to neuronal circuits. NEUREKA introduces an innovative, hybrid technology, whereby detailed, computational neuronal networks simulate dysfunction and drive cultured neurons to replicate in-brain disease conditions. Nanoelectrodes mediate the transmission between simulated and biological neurons. Akin to real synapses, nanoelectrodes contact cultured neurons at subcellular locations across the dendritic tree, soma and axonal branches, allowing to control and monitor neural activity with unprecedented accuracy. Biological neuronal responses registered by nanoelectrodes are fed back to simulated neurons, closing the loop and enabling control of activity states across the hybrid population. Complementing molecular deficits already present in culture models of a disease, computational models enable replication of both molecular and physiological deficits of neurodegeneration in vitro. Cultured neurons are driven towards pathological excitability states where deficits emerge, so as to optimize quantification of the impact of drugs, going well beyond standard cellular assays. A proof-of-concept will be provided for Alzheimer’s disease, using human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived neurons exhibiting the pathology. NEUREKA will be used to demonstrate the effect of drug candidates across synaptic, neuronal and network functions.

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Bando: FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking
Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION

SPARTE - Scintillating Porous Architectures for RadioacTivE gas detection

Radioactive gases are key targets for the environment, making gas monitoring an important issue. SPARTE will focus on the detection and activity measurement metrology of tracers related to nuclear activities. In this respect, the detection of 85Kr, 133Xe, 3H, 37Ar, being all Leggi tutto � emitter or electron capture radionuclides, is targeted. SPARTE will implement and achieve a radically novel radioactive gas detection and radioactivity metrology, by introducing highly porous scintillating aerogels and/ or Metal-Organic Frameworks designed to dramatically extend gas-matter interaction for effective � detection through scintillation. These materials after development and optimization will combine an efficient, fast and isotropic scintillation ensuring homogeneous 3D response and high sensitivity for metrology. The goal will be to realize functional solid-based sensors generating a close intermixing between the sensor and the analyte and to combine efficiency and homogeneity. Major breakthroughs are foreseen: a calibration method for low activity range of 85Kr and 133Xe, a real time detection system of for some noble gas and 3H with a significantly improved sensitivity in an easy deployable system, a detector for 37Ar. SPARTE consortium proposes a unique combination of competences aimed at succeeding in the difficult task of pioneering a new technology track, from sensor as porous scintillator to critical radioactive gas detection and metrology method development. It covers the six critical skills - i.e. aerogels and MOFs scintillating monolith preparation, structural and scintillation characterization, ionizing radiation detection and its modeling – needed to reach our goals. The consortium combines 4 leading research centers and 2 SMEs around 3 core expertises - processing, characterization and metrology - also encompassing the industrial perspective, in order to create the interdisciplinary “substrate” necessary for a successful outcome of the project.

Data di inizio:
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Bando: FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking
Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION

BEFOREHAND - Boosting Performance of Phase Change Devices by hetero- and nano-structure material design

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Bando: 2017-066 - h2020-ict-2018-2020
Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION

KiC - BRIEFCASE - Learning the use of minerals through non-conventional teaching tools

Responsabili: VAN AKEN MAURO IVO
Data di inizio:
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Bando: 2017 -083 - KAVA5 - Call 5 for KAva Education Project
Enti finanziatori: EIT RAWMATERIALS E.V.

KiC - RAISE - Raw Material Students Internship

Data di inizio:
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Bando: 2017-083 - Call 5 for KAva Education Projects
Enti finanziatori: EIT RAWMATERIALS E.V.